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I was born
Showered with love
I grew up with pride
Soaked with values
I was prepared to take a ride

I met dreams
Desired to make them real
Blessed with care and wishes
I Flapped wings and took off
With those dreamy eyes
I started maturing in life

I was flying high
In a new world
With new people
Learned, struggled and won
Faced failures all alone
I started tasting flavour of life

A man destroyed me
He took away my pride
Tortured my soul
Played with my body
Left me shameless
Stoned to death
Ripped off my heart like my clothes
He raped my dreams
For his sheer fun
Till the time I gave up hopes to live

Today I am alive
Nothing but his vomited out frustration
Result of a never ending lust
A poor but popular girl
Thrashed in her own dream world

Today I am a magazine’s cover story
My dreams have no existence
I breathe on sympathy
One among those recent examples
Given to warn girls like me
I am someone’s Facebook status
Waxed with questions on society

Once adored, now ignored
I am a story
In news, court and your memory


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