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False Hope

Knock knock ..!

She runs towards the door as fast as she can and receives the card. It is her birthday today. Her pale face tries hard to smile, fingers continuously tremble while she tears up the packing and the prayers she murmurs become more intense.  ‘ Happy b’day  sister’  I hope you are doing......

Oh god! (Screams)

She thows the card and shouted – where are you? Please come back...please!!  (Sobbing ..)

Her husband died three months back in a war. She has known him from last 2 years.  There is no possible miracle that can ever bring him back to her. But the hope never dies in her heart. Months have passed by waiting for her man, wanting for something impossible to happen, though she is well aware of the cruel reality of her life, but then it is this feeling that is keeping her alive.

She writes to him daily, in her diary. It has every memory of life they have shared, her prayers when he was in the border fighting for the country, their first kiss story, her wrapping him in her arms for the last time when he was called for his much coveted duty and the last ever talk over the phone, that can never recede from her memory.

She grabs the pen and scribbles on the soaked page while wiping off the tears from her eyes.

Hey Love,

Aren't you coming today?
It is my birthday
Will you not surprise me with my fave flowers?
Remember the last one..?
You cooked for the first time.. for me

I don’t like this month
Shivery grim winter nights haunt me
I miss your warmth, your embrace,
the heart beats when your lips dissolve in mine

I don’t remember days now
I wear your best shirt
It makes me feel you are here
Your smell reminds me of the
Times we have made love
Will you ever come back?

I have to tell you my dreams
The name I have thought for our baby
I can imagine you playing with him
The family collage in our wall
Will this ever happen love?

They say you fought bravely till your last breath
The medal is not given to everyone but you
I am proud of you but I lost you too
I am fighting a war with myself
To keep you alive

Can you come at least today?
It is my birthday!!

She slowly closes her eyes. A stream of tears rolls down on the page...  The pen lands to rest leaving behind a miserable widow in an undying silence.


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